Health is a vital aspect of our lives, and choosing
The options or choices that you get from the Fifty One starter kits are varied and by far the largest in the electronic cigarette starter kit industry. The kits include Blue label e-cig which are popular for their luxurious Blue starter kits and other similar quality electronic cigarette products. The Fifty One brand also includes some really basic kits for the proper distribution of the healthy tobacco substitute among people with any type of income range. This is the reason why the brand Fifty One has become such a favorite among people of all ages and with any type of income if they are conscious about their own well being and for the health of their loved ones who live with them.
The options that I have mentioned in the beginning of this article depend mainly on the quantity of the items or ingredients of the electronic cigarette starter kit. Depending upon this factor, as well as the Blue label e-cig factor, there are mainly four electronic cigarette starter kit types to choose from.
The starter kit that comes most basic in the form of price as well as items included in it is the express starter kit. This kit is actually a great way to express yourself, for this is not just a basic kit, but also contains necessary accessories for the Fifty One Duo e-cig. The items contained in it are:
One piece of Duo battery which is made of lithium ion and is rechargeable, to keep you always ready with the vaping experience. There are two disposable cartridges with built-in atomizers, in the flavor of 'original' and strength of 6mg. these cartridges give you puffs equal to 3 normal cartons, and that too without any tobacco harm or smoke or even smell. The battery of the electronic cigarette need to be kept recharged, and for this purpose, there is one USB charger given in this kit. The accessory that keeps your first e-cig experience a stylish one is the colorful steel carrying case, which comes free with this kit. You can choose the color of the carrying case, and there are five color options - shiny silver, pink, red, blue and black.
There are three other options of electronic cigarette starter kit from the Fifty One Duo collection to choose from. The Duo One battery starter kit and the Duo Two battery starter kit only differ in the number of rechargeable batteries that come in the kit. The other items are same, which are - two 'original' flavored 6mg cartridges with built-in atomizers, one standard charger with wall outlet and power cable, one membership card for the Club 51 club, and one user manual guide for easy following of instructions. The difference in the number of batteries decides the price and the advantage of having one battery always ready when the other empties.
The Blue starter kit is the premium one among these kits. These kits contain two rechargeable batteries of the lithium ion materiel as with the other batteries of the other kits, five refill cartridges with built-in atomizers - also known as cartomizers, one USB charger that is wireless and can be carried anywhere, one wall adapter to attach the USB charger to the wall sockets. With these, there come a Club 51 membership card, and also a instructions booklet for proper usage of the Blue starter kit.
The starter kits from the Fifty One Duo e-cigs are good for health as well as stylish and good for the regular use in order to increase the bank balance by keeping the health happy and saving good amount of money.
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