China's leading brand of switching power solutions for Power Supply, Power Adapter And Battery Charger.

Where is Fuyuan located?
The address of Fuyuan Electronic Co., Ltd can be found on its website, or you can contact its staff directly for more detailed information. It has a very convenient location, has the highest quality products, and attracts many customers to visit. You are welcome to visit the company at any time. Just contact in advance and it can arrange for a professional to pick you up at the designated location.

Fuyuan produces exquisite dc-dc converter superior to other companies. Fuyuan focuses on providing a variety of led driver for customers. The defective raw materials of Fuyuang led driver are eliminated. The product features the desired safety with fuses installed both ends of the input and output. The product guarantees highly desirable comfort and minimizes the stress put on the sole during walking, standing, and at rest. The product has passed the global certifications such as safety standard: IEC/EN61558.

We are reducing our operational greenhouse gas emissions and waste, and working with our logistics and procurement partners to improve efficiency and environmental performance.
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